Dear Friends,
Happy Summer!
What an exciting year 2018 is for OLC! We are celebrating 60 years (1958-2018) in women’s retreat ministry. We feel so wonderfully blessed to be able to continue this ministry and strengthen your spiritual nourishment and hopefully those of the next generation.
We always enjoy seeing you at our retreat weekends as well as attend our day and evening programs. Our attendance at retreats and programs has been quite robust this past season. Our new Saturday morning offerings are gaining in popularity. It seems our programming efforts are having an impact as we offer topics that are meaningful, diverse and relevant. We give thanks as we continually appreciate that you, our devoted community, is the primary reason for the existence of this ministry.
We continue to need your support and you respond in so many ways. OLC is a self-sustaining non-profit entity. Your generosity financially and with your time and talents truly support us. Some things will not change here. Our large aging campus with several buildings surrounded by 12 wooded acres in a pastoral setting demands constant maintenance and upkeep. The operating costs for the Retreat Center are considerable and we keep up with needed modest improvements to the best of our ability. Our goal is to always keep the Retreat Center in the pristine condition you are used to – clean, safe and adequately maintained. Our team and leadership strive to conduct operations, programs and facilities maintenance using the most cost-effective methods possible.
Now is the time of year when we ask the OLC community to help us with a donation to the Annual Appeal. The gift that you make to the Annual Appeal helps us meet our annual operating expenses. We know how dearly many of you hold OLC in your hearts. We realize there are many different requests that you receive, even from us this year, as we conduct additional fundraising during our 60th Anniversary. Do what you are able to do within your means – more if you can, less if you cannot. Any gift you give is through the grace of God.
We would like to conclude the Annual Appeal by August 15th. Prayerfully consider your donation. You can mail it to OLC by that date using envelope you received in the mail. You may also donate using the form below. Click "I would like to designate this donation to a specific fund, then choose annual appeal. May the Holy Spirit guide you accordingly and on behalf of the Sisters of the Cross and Passion and the dedicated staff at OLC, we sincerely Thank You!!
There’s a New Spirit at Our Lady of Calvary – Come Experience It!
Peace & Joy,
Ron Miceli
Gina Dolan
Chair, Fundraising and Development Committee