This morning, in preparation for a program I will be giving at OLC in September, I was studying Laudata Si! I was struck by the fact that amid all the concern for issues of global importance there is a tribute to “care for creation through little daily actions.” The Pope cites such things as saving heat by wearing warmer clothes [not especially relevant this month} recycling, turning off the lights. It’s a familiar list, but I took comfort from the Pope’s verdict on such conduct:
We must not think that these efforts are not going to change the world. They benefit society, often unbeknown to us, for they call forth a goodness which albeit unseen, inevitably tends to spread. Furthermore, such actions can restore our sense of self- esteem; they can enable us to live more fully and to feel that life on earth is worthwhile.(Laudata Si! #212)
A last thought: May we be inspired by the theme of the sisters’ just concluded Provincial Chapter:
Guided by our Passionist charism,
May we find life by giving Life,
Hope by giving Hope,
And love by giving Love.
Sister Mary O’Brien C.P.
Sister Mary will offer a special retreat day on Saturday, September 24; Pope Francis and Care of the Earth. Space is limited to 12 participants who must be able to climb stairs. Click the link above for more information and to register.