It’s finally Spring. We just wish Mother Nature would get the memo!
With spring at OLC comes our Pysanky Workshop. This program, led by Dell Kasinskas for many years, has become a tradition here. This year, because of Dell’s illness, it will be led by artists from Dick Blick in Plainville. We hope and pray that Dell will regain her health and strength soon. You can read more about Pysanky and register on our website or by calling us here in the office at (860) 677-8519. Just don’t delay! It’s filling up fast!
Spring is a great time to begin anew! If you want to make a new start, fulfill a dream, or just get healthier but need some inspiration, join us on April 19 for “Are You Tired of Being Stuck?“. Adele Mary Caruso will help you start saying yes to you and your dreams. Includes lunch. Register at this link on our website or call (860) 677-8519.
Our Retreat League will hold their annual fundraiser on Wednesday, April 26 at OLC. The theme for this year’s event will be Italian Night. There will be great food, entertainment by Sea Tea Improv, raffles and more. Call the office at OLC to make reservations, or visit our website.
Stations of the Cross – We pray the Stations every Friday during Lent at 12 Noon sharp. The stations will be followed by a simple soup lunch of clam chowder. This event is free to all. A free will offering for the simple soup lunch will be gladly appreciated. We would appreciate it if you would kindly let us know if you plan to attend by email at or by calling us at (860) 677-8519 so we may plan accordingly for lunch.