Sister Eileen Fucito on Crossroads Magazine

Sister Eileen Fucito and OLC featured on ORTV on December 1.

An interview with Sister Eileen Fucito was featured on the latest episode of the Archdiocese of Hartford’s ORTV Crossroads Magazine. 

Sister Eileen gave a talk here at OLC entitled, Spirituality of Women for the Future of the Church. She reflected on two questions. “Where is the Church in relation to women nearly sixty years after Vatican II and “Where are women in relation to the Church?” Then she spoke with Kaley Collins of ORTV about her presentation.

Click this link to watch the interview. Look for the December 1, 2019 episode. To view a program, click on either the Thumbnail or Description of the program you wish to view. This loads the video into the player, then click on the player to begin viewing. There may be a few seconds of black before the video begins.

Thanks to everyone at ORTV for covering Our Lady of Calvary on Crossroads Magazine.